
acme on 2001-08-30T14:10:52

I think I did too much Perl in my hectic four weeks of conferences. I had to crash out a bit, not do too much Perl, play GT3 a lot and drink a bit less. I think I've just about recovered - I partied last weekend, going to a free open-air Paul Oakenfold party, and dancing in the rain to the sound of soca and steel bands at the Notting Hill Carnival. It was fun.

I visited my favourite restaurant (St. John) last night, which has helped too. They serve real food there, such things as bone marrow, ox tongue, and grouse. They always have a token vegetarian dish, but I tend not to bring vegetarians... Last night I had almost the best prawns I've ever eaten, a slice of middlewhite (a rare breed of pig) with some lovely carrots and some bread icecream. It was lovely.

Now for Perl stuff. I've released minor updates to most of my modules and the new Data::Page. Today I took up dumrats' coding challenge and coded a SOAP interface to dipsy, the infobot using the wonderful SOAP::Lite and POE::Component::IRC modules. Enough people asked my how I achieved this that I wrote up a short article on the subject. Enjoy.

unimatrix is in town! I fear the fact that we have wireless access in the pub we're meeting up in... What crazy Perl stuff will result in this? (Seeing that ingy wrote Acme-YBFOD there a couple of weeks ago...)