
acme on 2002-07-18T16:02:23

Errr, it's not really a holiday. It's just that there's a tube strike, so it took me two hours to get into work. And nobody is at work anyway. And it's hot. And there's a technical meeting tonight. Which means that today I've mostly been playing with a Canon digital camera which happens to take movies. Here is the result: Fotango the Movie (Quicktime).

It's not very steady, is it? Or high quality, but it least it has a kicking soundtrack (Jingo Ba by IJK). I'm really proud of the dissolve during the cymbal crash. And you can't really read "The Matrix has you". But hey, this is what happens when you let me loose with iMovie. Play spot the leader!

It's a complete coincidence that the Fotango corporate colour is orange, honest...