yapc::Europe: Day 3

acme on 2001-08-06T10:55:54

Day three of yapc::Europe was crazy. After fully noticing that I had no speaking to do on the last day, I stayed up for most of the night and ended up wandering around Gaasperpark looking for my campsite.

Highlights of the day included dumrat's "Stone Soup" talk, where he tried to explain the stone soup story in Perl. With Actors. I think people may actually code intelligent Perl agents to play with this idea... I also liked all the crazy stuff going on in the Iterative Software room, from martial arts to making music (via making all other programming languages illegal)!

The security track throughout the conference was strong, and it ended with johnpc pointing out all the security bloopers people had committed throughout the past three days. The people using telnet on an open network ought to be ashamed of themselves!

I'm staying in Amsterdam for a couple of days (ENOBANDWIDTHATCAMPSITE), will be taking part in my first Amsterdam.pm meeting for ages and then heading off to HAL2001 with muttley. I'm recovering, but it's all gonna be soooo cool.

(yapc::Europe 2.0.01 organisers)++ # excellent job