Tech meet

acme on 2002-05-17T12:52:15

Yesterday I presented a preview of my Targeting Parrot talk at the tech meet. The tech meet went quite well. The Fotango gang brought beer and bagels and James started off talking about magical data pixies, or how he subverted perl and Data::Dumper to help build an object database. I'm sure we'll hear a lot more about it in future, after it gets a real test suite...

Then I gave my talk, which was a little weird as it's targeted at people at TPC who have just had half a day of Parrot talks, so I brought everyone up to speed quickly and then confused them with Java bytecode and C code. It was very useful to give the talk - I now know which bits I should explain in a little more detail and what concepts aren't intuitively obvious to non-Parrot hackers ;-)

Following that, davorg presented his Idiomatic Perl tutorial, which went down well. We may all be 31337 PERL h@ckers but it's good to go over the basics occasionally just in case we may have forgotten something. Oh, and then we went to the pub, of course.

And no, I haven't been to see Attack of the Clones yet...

How'd it go?

Elian on 2002-05-17T18:58:15

I'm dying to find out. Good? Bad? Indifferent?

Re:How'd it go?

acme on 2002-05-19T15:30:22

Well, to be honest I think I mostly confused people. My talk isn't completely finished yet. For example, one of the questions at the end was "Why would you want to target Parrot?", so there's obviously a few more things I should have explained a little better. The other major question was "does adding all these ops / PMCs / whatever slow things down", so I should clear that up too (for the archive "No. And we'll have dynamically loaded op libraries in the future too"). But overall, it was terribly useful and now that Parrot is getting more features, I can finish my slides ;-)

Re:How'd it go?

2shortplanks on 2002-05-27T16:25:17

You didn't confuse me if it's any consolation. If anything the talk didn't have enough meat on it for my liking (not your fault - I'm assuming more meat will come in the second half which you didn't present.)