TPC5: Day 1

acme on 2001-07-24T18:21:25

I was still not over my jetlag yesterday, so I got up early and hacked some code. I wandered over to the breakfast tent and met up with the crew for bagels and juice.

I quickly headed over to lathos' Perl and Unicode tutorial, which was excellent. Unicode has a lot of terminology which I hadn't quite grasped and I now think I understand a lot of it, such as why there are so many complexities when dealing with Unicode data. Oh, we did some hacking of course. Wireless is sooo cool.

We grabbed a quick lunch and talked about generating SAX events from muttley's Flash file parser, and then headed off to Flash parser at the back and heckled. It was fun.

cwest's impressions BOF and standup improvisation was a great laugh (oh, and I finally got a picture of gozer), and then we crashed the perlmonks BOF and got some drinking done.

In all, an excellent day and I learnt a lot. Thanks O'Reilly!