Conference season

acme on 2001-07-20T19:08:52

My year has been building up to this, and the time has finally come. I've updated bottom_bar.png on my website because... it's conference season!

First, I'm off to San Diego tomorrow morning (from Gatwick, so I'll meet up with davorg and muttley for a quick drink) to go to the O'Reilly Open Source Conference, where I'll be doing probably the final rendition of my "Graphing Perl" talk, as well as the crazy thing Damian and I call "Instant Compilers". I'm really looking forward to going to the talks and meeting everyone and I have a hundred evil ideas for modules to code during talks. It's gonna be wild.

Second, back across the pond to London for a couple of days and then I'm driving to Amsterdam with ingy and muttley for YAPC::Europe, which promises to be merry indeed. I've helped somewhat during the organisation of this and I think it will be great. Certainly a lot more organised than when I did it last year ;-)

Lastly, a small drive to HAL 2001. Thousands of hackers. A big field. A 1Gbit/s uplink to the Internet. A wireless network to match all wireless networks (which'll be tested out at YAPC::Europe the week before ;-)

I'm going to be exhausted at the end of my three weeks of partying, but it'll be worth it. I'm going to try and keep a photo diary of my travels, so if I ask you to pose you'll know what it's for. See ya soon, guys and girls!