Perl and Git

acme on 2008-12-09T16:04:07

"Like Perl, Git has lots of flexibility, TMTOWTDI, and extensibility", points out the Perl 5 Wiki page on Git. I've been looking at Git in somewhat detail recently. I even wrote Git::PurePerl to understand Git's repository format in slightly more depth. I think Git is a very flexible way to develop and I particularly like github as a way to socially share repositories (and forks). See the Git::PurePerl repository for example.

Why should you look at Git now? Well, I also have a secret...

On tenterhooks

Yanick on 2008-12-09T17:21:38

You, sir, are the Cenobite cousin of Santa Claus. Mixing such awesome Xmas gifts with such agonizing teasing... it simply shouldn't be allowed. :-)

perl on Github

markjugg on 2008-12-09T17:28:47

You mean, Perl on Github?

Re:perl on Github

acme on 2008-12-09T17:31:08



patspam on 2008-12-17T07:56:31

Apparently some of the existing work on gittorrent is perl based too.