Perl 5.8.9 RC1 is out

acme on 2008-11-12T14:24:13

[photo of Amelia]

As Nicholas pointed out on the front page of, Perl 5.8.9 Release Candidate 1 has been uploaded to CPAN. It contains a whole bunch of changes since Perl 5.8.8. We have tested it on our machines. We have tested it on build farms. We have tested it with as much of CPAN as we could. What we haven't tested it with is the DARKPAN: your code, your computer and servers, your work code, or any of your modules. Blame Transfer Protocol initiated, as Nicholas points out slightly more informally on the mailing list: we would be very generous indeed if you could test the release candidate all code that you have to hand, and especially with work code. Think of it as your civic duty, if you lived in the city of Perl.