Working in the cloud

acme on 2008-02-19T10:06:14

I've just submitted this talk to YAPC::Asia and will submit it to YAPC::Europe:

We are from the internet - we know the value of open source. Hardware and storage is unfortunately real, but you can outsource it all. This talk will guide you through how to exploit cloud computing today to make you happier and more efficient.

I've seen this episode of Star Trek

2shortplanks on 2008-02-19T13:09:54

It's a thinly veiled version of the time machine, but with Spock falling in love with the chief Eloy's daughter and Kirk having a chance to rip his shirt.

Re:I've seen this episode of Star Trek

acme on 2008-02-19T13:17:16

Drat. I need some new material...

Business side of the cloud

essuu on 2008-02-19T14:00:58

Will you be covering anything of the business choices of the cloud, e.g. contracts, SLAs and business continuity ?

Amazon caused a lot of pain last week and to a lesser extent 37Signals a few weeks ago when their systems failed.

I think it's important to realise that these services have downsides too.


Re:Business side of the cloud

acme on 2008-02-19T14:42:50

Absolutely. My little secret is that I like to keep my talk descriptions as vague as possible so I can be flexible with the content ;-)