acme on 2007-10-28T13:22:21

RIPE 55 was last week, and apart from amusing songs (The Day The Routers Died) and talks about IPv4 exhaustion, they kindly put slides online. I found this interesting:

Thanks RIPE!

The Day The Routers Died

Aristotle on 2007-10-28T14:03:23

I linked a better recording and posted the lyrics over in my journal.

The day after

grinder on 2007-10-29T14:32:17

What current estimates did you hear regarding the exhaustion of the IPv4 address space?

Re:The day after

acme on 2007-10-29T14:50:51

There will always be IPv4 addresses available - but the price will increase until IPv6 seems sensible and is rolled out everywhere.