CPAN on Facebook

acme on 2007-09-21T09:07:10

To spread news about CPAN distributions on Facebook, I wrote a little Facebook Application: CPAN Friends:

This application is for authors of Perl modules on the CPAN. If you add this application then whenever you upload a new distribution to CPAN, we'll add a story to your news feed about it.

Add the application if you are a CPAN author. Add the application if you want to see new CPAN releases from your friends. I'll be adding more features soon.

Can you please change the name?

petdance on 2007-09-21T14:13:04

A swell idea, but tthere's already a CPAN Watch, a blog on ( I'm afraid that people are going to confuse the two, or think that they're somehow related. Similar ideas, but entirely different implementations.

Could you please change the name so we don't get our respective users confused?

Re:Can you please change the name?

acme on 2007-09-21T14:42:25

Whoops, renamed to CPAN Friends.

Re:Can you please change the name?

Aristotle on 2007-09-21T15:40:57

I’d’ve called FacePAN.