YAPC::Europe 2002 Munich Videos

acme on 2007-09-09T16:17:30

Watching Domm's videos of YAPC::Europe 2007 reminded me that I had taken videos of YAPC::Europe 2002 in Munich. I tried to figure out why I hadn't put them on YouTube, until I realised that the conference happened three years before YouTube existed. I've now put on them up on YouTube. I remember it being a real pain to do - it took me a good hour at the end of each conference day to edit the video for that day. It's interesting to see that many of the same speakers and attendees of this year's conference were also at Munich five years ago. See who you can spot:

  • Day 1 shows London.pm traveling to Munich and the first day on the conference - a day of tutorials
  • Day 2 shows day two, including the speakers dinner and lightning talks
  • Day 3 shows day three, which culminated in an wild auction where Michael Schwern arm wrestled Damian Conway for 2 opcodes in Parrot