acme on 2007-03-26T12:29:24

The newly released Gran Paradiso Alpha 3 snapshot lists "Animated PNG (APNG) images are now supported" in its changelog. Now I know all about animated GIFs but APNG? Never heard of it, but I seem to remember that at the same time as PNG was replacd GIF, MNG was supposed to replace animated GIF, but it didn't happen. APNG is a small extension to PNG, provided as a patch to libpng and Firefox. Download Gran Paradiso Alpha 3, examine the APNG specification and be impressed at the sample animations - except: "NOTE: these will not display in Gran Paradiso Alpha 3, but will work in a current build" :-(. Just a small step until we finally get rid of animated GIFs?

Dying on their own

Matts on 2007-03-26T13:17:38

Animated gifs are dying in favour of flash.

Re:Dying on their own

Aristotle on 2007-03-26T14:23:06

Of course in terms of format openness, that doesn’t make the situation any better.

Re:Dying on their own

Matts on 2007-03-26T14:51:45

I guess the internet has spoken: It doesn't care :-)

Re:Dying on their own

Aristotle on 2007-03-26T15:33:01

The fact that Flash is facing resistance (and always has) says otherwise. Also, whatever the reason that APNG support was added to Gecko, it seems like someone somewhere does care about something. Let’s not forget the SVG support in Gecko either. Between those, the openness story is improving, if only as a side effect, whether welcome or unintended.

Re:Dying on their own

Matts on 2007-03-26T15:43:18

Yeah, some people care. But not many.

Did you know there's now a free open source flash player for Linux/firefox?