Bad data

acme on 2007-03-08T16:05:01

I'm cleaning up some data. In this data, various people have abbreviated "fireplace" to one of firepl, flpc, fp, fpl, fplace, fplc, fplce, frpl, frplc, and frplce. I can't imagine why anyone would ever do such a thing, other than trying out keys in new and exciting orders in order to confuse people. Luckily we are doing large-scale data munging, so it's less painful than it otherwise would normally be. Do we need hates-data?

Pay per character

brian_d_foy on 2007-03-08T18:12:22

Sounds like real estate listings, where some places charge by the line (so, effectively, the character count). The homebuyer quickly learns the code. :)