Want to know a secret?

acme on 2007-03-06T18:54:01

I'll let you into a little secret: when I took over CPAN Testers because it was too slow, I made the database downloadable and intentionally made the design terrible and the content limited in order to get other people to contribute to the project.

It didn't work.

The New Testers Site Rocks.

jk2addict on 2007-03-06T19:11:34

I'm totally digging the new Testers results pages.

Re:The New Testers Site Rocks.

Phred on 2007-03-06T21:39:05

Indeed, it is very clean and easy to navigate. I like the rss feed link, I can keep a finger on the modules I use every day.

I don't think that was the problem...

Alias on 2007-03-07T04:59:05

... after all, I tried to contribute twice.

It was just too inconvenient for me to do so.

Now if you opened up your version and handed people commit at the drop of a hat, and then made it fairly easy to upgrade the website from svn, I bet you contributions would increase.

I had the same problem with people contributing to modules hosted on SourceForge, it was too inconvenient for people to work out how to contribute there, so almost all of them gave up.

Ever since moving to my current Insurrection setup, things have been a LOT smoother and I get a hell of a lot more contributions.

Re:I don't think that was the problem...

drhyde on 2007-03-07T13:18:48

I get plenty of contributions for my sourceforge project, and using it has the advantage that people can use thethe CVS tools they've already got instead of having to install Subversion.

For people I've not yet given a commit bit to, I also accept patches by email.


pudge on 2007-03-14T03:42:40

OK, that story is awesome. Even if it is short. Maybe it's better being short.