
acme on 2007-01-08T14:15:42

MySQL released its new storage engine: Falcon. It makes some good assumptions which weren't true a few years ago: lots of memory, fast CPU, still slowish disk. It still needs a little optimisation though, as the first microbenchmarks show. I like how MySQL has become a database system with many storage engines: pick the one which suits your needs.

"lots of memory" - not sure

jmason on 2007-01-08T15:15:26

'It makes some good assumptions which weren't true a few years ago: lots of memory, fast CPU, still slowish disk.'

I'm not sure about the "lots of memory" assumption anymore, personally -- look at all the VMs and Xen instances people are using nowadays, they generally don't have such generous RAM allowances as a dedicated machine would.

Re:"lots of memory" - not sure

jplindstrom on 2007-01-09T11:54:26

Sure, but why would you deploy a performance critical database in an environment (virtual or not) with little memory in the first place?

In my experience you either need the performance for production, or you need the flexibility of virtualisation for development and testing.

In the latter case performance is rarely important. I mean, it would be nice to have it, but it's not why you do it.

Re:"lots of memory" - not sure

jmason on 2007-01-09T12:05:34

hmm, true enough.