The Future (aka Children of Men)

acme on 2006-10-23T08:09:45

At the moment whenever I read the news I am angry at the newspapers and the government for scaremongering, wasting my tax dollars^Wpounds on stupid ideas and not generally not being reasonable.

If it all continues like this we are doomed. To see how doomed, I highly recommend you go see Children of Men at the cinema. It's not a happy film, it's a dystopian future where everything is like now, only much much worse. Now, how do we stage a coup?


Children of Men

Ovid on 2006-10-23T08:29:36

Oddly enough, I just finished reading that book over the weekend. Very good, but very depressing. I wonder how faithful the movie is? I can see how the book could be perverted to be something "Hollywoodish".

Re:Children of Men

davorg on 2006-10-24T08:32:33

Seeing the film has made me want to read the book.

From what I've heard, the film is a greatly simplified version of the book - but then, isn't that always the case?


muttley on 2006-10-23T11:02:31

> If it all continues like this we are doomed [ ... ] Now, how do we stage a coup?

This book will help. I read it recently - it's fascinating.