
acme on 2006-10-09T13:42:05

I've recently been very impressed with ActiveMQ, "an open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) message broker packed with many enterprise features". While the documentation is lacking, I like its feature set. I've been interested in message queues such as JMS for a while now and Ranguard has generously given me a small cluster of machines to play with at work, which gives me an excuse to look at messaging as a way to distribute jobs to them.

There are a few ways to communicate with ActiveMQ: one of which is with Stomp (Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol), an HTTP-like protocol which is terribly easy to implement. Need to produce or consume messages with ActiveMQ? I've created Net::Stomp which provides a nice simple interface to ActiveMQ from Perl.

Thank you

clscott on 2006-10-09T17:00:34

I was heading down the same pah as you and you've beaten me to the punch on implementing Net::Stomp.

Thanks for sharing and saving me the time. :)

Check out also MantaRay

melo on 2006-10-09T17:41:37

Also in that category, check MantaRay. I used it at Sapo because its a distributed JMS.

We did a TCP-based frontend and a couple of perl modules.

Everything *should* be available here:

Ping me if you try it and have problems with it.