Simon whined about YAML parsers sucking on Mock had previously pointed out during YAPC::Europe that all YAML and JSON parsers and generators are buggy and non-interoperable. The thread was interesting and eventually most people grudgingly agreed that XML is the only true interop format. Somewhere along the way I read the XML Binary Characterization Properties, which goes into detail in what would be useful in a binary XML format. And then I looked at ASN.1 and XDR. It seems useful to have an efficient way of storing data compactly. Why hasn't one of these (including binary XML) taken off yet?
I have a quote that comes to mind
In the early days of the SNMP, which does use ASN.1, the same issues arose. In the end, the working group agreed that the use of ASN.1 for SNMP was axiomatic, but not because anyone thought that ASN.1 was the most efficient, or the easiest to explain, or even well liked. ASN.1 was given axiomatic status because the working group decided it was not going to spend the next three years explaining an alternative encoding scheme to the developer community.
Re:YAML::Syck::Load handling multiple documents.
audreyt on 2006-10-02T12:57:46
...done as 0.70.