YAPC::NA Day 3

acme on 2001-06-18T09:55:42

Another early start this morning, with a morning of panicking about finishing my slides. I went to "The Identity Function" (cute) and "Dirty Stories About the Regex Engine (funny, scary). "Programming Parrot" was not a joke after all, being about using Perl in Python.

I rushed off to give my "Instant Compilers" talk (being a 20 minute talk, it was more a quick overview of how to write a compiler in Perl - my full one-hour talk at TPC will be much more comprehensive). Then to the lightning talks, which were all excellent. Who needs a whole twenty minutes anyway? I reckon we should reschedule all the yapc::Europe talks to five minutes - it can only be more fun...

Gozer took me off to eat a "poutine" for lunch, a local specialty which involves chips, gravy and curds. It was interesting, and very filling indeed. I made it back in time for "Any2XML", which seemed like a very silly way to munge data (the configuration file was XML-like (yuck!), it wasn't actually XML, and the transformed data wasn't normalised). I gave my pretty pictures talk, "Graphing Perl", which seemed to go quite well, and then stayed for "Generation of JavaScript in Perl CGI" (I decided not to look into a Perl to JavaScript compiler...), before catching the end of the "Perl 6 Status Meeting" (I think I'd heard all the discussions before on the mailing lists).

Damian's "The Conway Channel" showed us all the amazing and crazy things he's been doing during his sponsored year, such as releasing a module every week and all sorts of great Perl 6 work. I reckon he was a good investment after all! ;-)

It all ended up with thanks to and from the yapc::America team and a book auction à la yapc::Europe (no, it wasn't the same without dumrats).

Dinner in a lovely French restaurant with Abigail. Latin quarter. Beautiful people in the streets. Gozer's loft party (wireless, stick insects, bath full of beer, excellent). No sleep. CPAN/Modules BOF. Merguez sausages. P2P. Skud leading us around old Montreal. Beer. Geek card games. Dancing in the rain. Blame transfer protocol. Street performer: mmmm, flamey. Slow thai food. Katie Holmes. No sleep. Saying goodbye to everyone again. Museums, shopping in the underground city, "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" (she's a star!), airport (no wireless), plane, jetlag, back in London town, baby.

Yet another great YAPC! Many thanks to lenzo, lucs, mendel and everyone else involved! Good talks, good people, good weather, good beer, good community, good ideas. Good heavens, this writeup is way too long. Goodbye.