AOL Search Data

acme on 2006-09-03T12:44:44

AOL released some search data recently. Of course, I had to find out what the most searched-for recipe was. Rather amusingly, this was for the mispelled green chili grits cassarole, which I have no recipe for. One user searched for this on 2006-05-13 at 16:13:48, 17:30:51, 17:30:51 and 23:52:02; and on 2006-05-14 at 07:28:16. That's the only recipe they search for ("famous indian chiefs" not counting, I suppose). Wierd.

The next one is pineapple casserole, searched four times by a user who probably has gout. I guess sometimes people don't bookmark pages and just use search engines to find pages again. Following on down isn't very interesting, but overall it's scary what people search for.

Search Data

link on 2006-09-03T13:37:14

It is very very scary what some people search for. Looking at search queries can scar you for life. On the other hand profiling user types based on what people at different search engines search for can be fun.

If only there was a site that

hex on 2006-09-04T15:19:25

lets you search other people's searches.,,,,, ...