YAPC::Europe Day 1

acme on 2006-08-31T08:38:40

The first full day of YAPC::Europe was excellent. The main room is like an old theatre, with balconies all around and huge spotlights in the ceiling. I enjoyed Jonathan Worthington talking about type systems, giggled as domm tried to get our attention during "How to get IRC addicts pay attention to your talk", took part in the Catalyst BOF (too much talking and not enough hacking for my taste!), released a new version of Module::Packaged, was pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to hack on AxKit2, made it back it to see Kevin Falcone talk about Searching with Perl (basically the same research I had been doing recently: KinoSearch comes out top), and learnt how to start my first CPAN module with the Pauleys.

The audience for the last talk was interesting as there were many people with many many modules on the CPAN: MIYAGAWA (109), RCLAMP (61), SIMON (57), LBROCARD (57).... It was a fun talk though. And then there was socialising!