
acme on 2002-02-21T16:23:29

Something occurred to me recently. Well, the great thing about Perl is CPAN. The bad thing about Perl is having to install lots of dependencies. So, how about the possibility of downloading a huge binary file so that you can have every single module on CPAN installed? That way, I wouldn't have to chase modules when I try out new software. Wouldn't this be a great idea?

Not a good idea

jouke on 2002-02-21T16:44:00

No, not at all. There are many bad modules available on CPAN. Not everything installs on every platform. Not every module is desirable in every situation. I think a good selection would be nice, but all of CPAN...? no.

Re:Not a good idea

james on 2002-02-21T17:34:15

Ah you mean an SDK...

oh. yeah. bad idea.



geoff on 2002-02-21T20:36:08

I'm still waiting for this to sweep the perl world.


Elian on 2002-02-22T17:52:53

Yup, sweep it much like how Nimda swept the Windows world...

Done that

belg4mit on 2002-02-22T03:06:28

I'm pretty sure somebody out there makes a CDE with a substantial portion of CPAN when it is stamped. I think.