GPW Day 3

acme on 2002-02-18T15:57:40

Apologies, this writeup is a little late, but here it is anyway. Day 3 of the German Perl Workshop was an interesting one. The morning started with tutorials by davorg (Idiomatic Perl) and jouke (wxPerl). I liked Idiomatic Perl - there are always idioms in languages and especially so in Perl and it's great to be introduced to idioms that you might have missed. I didn't attend wxPerl but I'm sure jouke covered a great deal too. I wonder what GUI library we will all be using in the future?

A short lunch later (coversation topics including caffeine addiction and Lisp machines) and Gerald introduced us to XSBuilder, the build environment for mod_perl 2. It all looked quite cool, but I don't know that much XS and don't really want to stray too far from Perl ;-)

The highlight of the day was Marc talking about building a scalable webserver. It was a very entertaining talk, covering all the scalability problems he encountered while playing with Apache, thttpd and the webserver he eventually wrote using his Coro module. It was a very funny talk and really showed off the power of the coroutines he had presented the day before. I'm definitely going to have a look at this...

Damian finished off the conference with "Life, The Universe, and Everything". Which does, in fact, cover everything, while being terribly amusing at the time...

It was a great conference. Some very technical talks. Some fun talks. And lots of time for discussion inbetween. See you there next year!