YAPC::Europe Day 1: An Introduction To Catalyst

acme on 2005-08-31T14:20:30

A cheap lunch later, Marcus Ramberg is talking about An Introduction To Catalyst. Catalyst is a web framework that I like, as it provides some hand-holding but doesn't go overboard. The talk walked through Catalyst concepts, ranging from the context object, through helpers engines and then a neat movie showing a real example of a Google Suggest-like application.


jk2addict on 2005-08-31T14:24:06

Is ther a place to get the slides/presentation yet? How many demo apps did he do?


gabb on 2005-09-01T07:54:14

Hi - we will upload the slides this week and link to them on the developers wiki: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Marcus showed the BookDB as a "scaffolding and beyond" example and probably Handel as well, a framework for .. lets say eBusiness. :)