
acme on 2005-03-26T02:17:27

YAPC::Taipei is under way! The conference is being held at the National Taiwan University Dept. of Computer Science & Information Engineering, which is a lovely campus. Apart from a small lack of sleep, I'm really enjoying it so far.

clkao (who got assimilated by Fotango, which means orange slides) started off discussing RunApp and Profiler (unreleased). RunApp "streamlines the process for configuring applications that requires one or more web servers and/or other daemons, during development or deployment", and it seems nice and easy to set up.

In the break, there was food - and we're not talking vegan muffins here. Dimsum-like food. Any locals know what we're eating? I think we should move all Perl conferences to Taiwan...

Then Sam Vilain talked about Perl Object Persistence and Tangram. The nice thing about his talk is that he went over building an example application using Tangram, describing his thought processes. Everytime he said "schema" I jumped, though.

During lunch we walked through campus, past a jetplane and across a street. There I saw an animated pedestrian crossing sign. Yes, that's an animated green walking man, complete with arms swinging.

After lunch, gugod presented a short talk entitled Release to CPAN where he showed the various servers used and followed all the steps from writing a module, to packaging it for CPAN and releasing it. Neat, especially as it was an Acme:: module...

Miyagawa then showed us two projects he's been working on. The first was CPAN code search, which meshes gonzui (named after a salt-water venomous catfish, apparently) and PPI and seems really neat. He also announced YAPC::Asia (March 2006) in Tokyo, organised by Shibuya Perl Mongers. Details TBA.

Ingy then took on us a little walk of his life, showing us Spiffy, Spoon, Spork, and Kwiki. Amusing as always, but apparently miyagawa is the new acme, as he released a Kwiki plugin during the talk. I was slightly delayed due to, errr, some slight undocumentedness, but finally released HTTP::Server::Simple::Kwiki after the break.

Then Jesse took us through the history of RT, the current state of RT and a few hints as to what will be the future of RT. Rather amusingly, a victim was then picked from the audience to be engaged in a live usability test of RT. He was led through a script, trying different actions and commenting when things seem weird or unclear. The challenge is that overnight Jesse will do some hacking and tomorrow we'll see how much he can improve the user experience in a few hours. The challenge is on!

Arrgggh, slides!