Yahoo! Developer API

acme on 2005-03-01T01:58:09

A few months back, Jeremy Zawodny asked what webservices Yahoo! should provide. Today up pops Yahoo::Search which points to , which says "You don't have permission to access / on this server" at this moment. I'm guessing it will be properly announced in the next few hours. A Yahoo! Developer API (no API key required) announced just before my "Exploiting Other Enterprises' Web Services" talk? Excellent!

p.s. I'm now a PADI Rescue Diver, almost a Divemaster and starting Instructor next week...

Update: I was right! Yahoo! Search Development Network. You don't have to sign up for an API key, but you can register an application ID and there is IP-based rate limiting (so web search is 5,000 queries per day). This seems to be a nice way to allow people to use the service and distribute applications without being too annoying...