What am I up to? Well, this week I have been entertaining myself by attending a cookery course at Leiths School of Food and Wine. It's half demonstration and half practical. Today we made roast lamb, roast potatoes, mint sauce, apple crumble and some enriched white bread. How terribly British. The other students are pretty fun and the teachers are excellent. Very entertaining.
This weekend, I'm heading off to Madagascar. There will be much being on the beach, eating interesting foods and diving. Might even see a whale shark.
In the new year, I shall be sorting my life out. After I have done that, I will be in Fort Lauderdale, FL for six weeks starting in mid February learning to be a dive instructor. That'll be fun. So I'll see you Floridian .pms then. I'm hoping to make it to YAPC::Taipei on the way back too.
After all that, back to the real world...