Perl Foundation

acme on 2001-12-18T16:20:46

A lot of people have been talking about the Perl Foundation recently. You know, we're going to sponsor Damian and Dan for the upcoming year. Well, I'm not going to donate any of my money to the Perl Foundation this time around, and I'm going to explain why.

I donated some money last year and got a good deal out of Damian. I think the Perl community got bigger 'cos he's a great speaker and came out with some wonderful modules. This year, however, I have been making slightly less money and had to decide long and hard about where I was going to put it.

Instead of the Perl Foundation, this year I am sponsoring the two European Perl Conferences directly: the German Perl Workshop and yapc::Europe. I still think that there are many Perl programmers in Europe which have yet to make it to TPC or yapc::NA and conferences are a good way to spread the word. This is in fact a complimentary approach as Damian will be speaking at these conferences too ;-)

I'm trying to get my current employer to help sponsor either (or both!) too, but this looks like it may be a struggle.

Anyway, expect to see lots of goodies at your next conference...