Boxy goodness

acme on 2001-11-29T16:03:52

Well, it took a while, but thanks to the kindness of shevek (one of my colocation partners, who took some time off to train down to the colocation place), lots of bandwidth, and some time on my part, my box is back up again. DNS, mail, web, database, irc, bots, the whole lot.

It didn't take as long as I thought it would, although I think I should worry about it less and concentrate more on work during work time. Aha, worktime, I've been playing getting SOAP dispatching to work under OpenFrame. Using SOAP::Lite this is ridiculously easy, of course, if you want both Perl client and server.

It gets slightly more tricky when I tried to pass Perl objects to Java (I'm using The Mind Electric's GLUE as the Apache SOAP stuff is overcomplicated). Once I figured out that you have to tell SOAP::Lite to use maps instead of hashes, I got them passing around hashes/Hashtables fine. Objects are a different kettle of fish. I just magically expected to pass in an OpenFrame::AbstractRequest Perl object and it be magically transformed into an OpenFrame.AbstractRequest Java object. Turns out this doesn't happen, and in fact there are namespace issues, oh joy of joys.

I still haven't finished the slides for my 45-minute "Inside Parrot" talk for the German Perl Workshop (or booked flights, for that matter), but I think I have an idea of what exactly I'll be talking about: more programming parrot assembly then anything else. Of course, PMCs are getting very exciting, so who knows what Parrot will be able to do by then (where are those parrot slides eh lathos? ;-)

I had a flash of insight late last night about a talk I could do for yapc::Europe: A tour of the Acme:: modules. There are enough weird and interesting modules that just explaining the concepts should make a good talk. Need To Plan.

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