Auctioned off

acme on 2003-06-17T23:42:56

Something very odd has happened. There was a book auction today at YAPC::NA. This is where the YAPC crew try and raise some money by auctioning off books and other items kindly given by sponsors.

For some reason, I was also part of the auction. Piers made me get up on stage, do a little catwalk thing and then started to auction me off. All the ladies in the audience clearly started throwing money at me at this point. Oh, no, wait, that was a dream. What really happened was that a couple of people bid on me and I was finally sold for $160 to Elaine and Jos.

I hope they are kind to me!


gav on 2003-06-17T23:48:04

I think we need "Leon Brocard is my bitch" t-shirts for the next YAPC...

In orange.


grue on 2003-06-18T00:35:56

Why wait until next YAPC *grin*?


hfb on 2003-06-18T06:37:50

Don't quit your day job for comedy funny man :) No, I bought him to save him from Uri and to have him continue developing CPANTS.

besides...bitch is just so guys need to think up something new :)


wickline on 2003-06-19T02:46:46

how about "beeyatch"?

That's gotta be at least '99, right? ;)



chromatic on 2003-06-22T01:31:13

Where were you when Uri bought tests from me?!