
acme on 2001-11-02T12:14:07

Yes, I'm in shock too. I have a job!

I'm working at Fotango where I'm doing Perl groovyness. They've just been bought out by Canon and have lots of interesting projects. james works there and he's loony. Errr, I mean, great ;-)

This week I've worked on Attributes for the first time (see the new version of Attribute::Signature, played with WSDL (waiting for that module, Gisle ;-), and released our new application framework to CPAN. It's called OpenFrame and it's new and shiny. It could do with more docs, testing and features, but those will come along shortly I'm sure.

I have to mention this here as it's all have been doing this week: Grand Theft Auto 3 for the PS2 is fantastic. It's amazing. It's too addictive ("oh, just one more drive..."). This is why I haven't been doing much Parrot stuff this week.

And yes, I only work for companies that have orange websites...

Nuff said.

Matts on 2001-11-04T20:21:02
