
acme on 2003-03-06T15:45:35

Metadata is crucial. There's going to be an awful lot more of it about if I have anything to do with it. As a little example, there are 4906 distributions on CPAN. A full 4561 of them have a Makefile.PL, and the top 40 prerequisites (not including recursion) in these are:

175: Test::More
73: DBI
62: Carp
52: Data::Dumper
50: Tk
47: Storable
46: File::Spec
42: Digest::MD5
41: IO::File
41: LWP::UserAgent
40: XML::Parser
32: MIME::Base64
31: URI
30: CGI
29: IO::Socket
28: POE
26: GD
26: Pod::Usage
23: Test::Pod
23: Time::HiRes
22: File::Find::Rule
22: HTML::Parser
22: Test::Simple
21: Apache
21: HTTP::Request
21: Inline
20: Compress::Zlib
19: Parse::RecDescent
19: Test::Manifest
18: Apache::Constants
18: File::Temp
18: LWP
18: Test
18: mod_perl
17: Getopt::Long
17: HTML::TreeBuilder
17: Template
17: Time::Local
17: URI::Escape
(With help from CPANPLUS, a local CPAN mirror, and regular expressions).

PS Yes I'm enjoying the DPW, but Schwern and Kane are giving me all these crazy ideas and it's cold and rainy


inkdroid on 2003-03-06T16:19:12

On the subject of "meta" if you are in the mood for a "meta-movie" see if you can catch Adaptation in the theatre. It is the best movie I've seen in years.

Breakdown by person

petdance on 2003-03-06T16:37:42

It's interesting to see so many uses of File::Find::Rule and Test::Pod in such a short time, but I wonder how many of those are tied to the PETDANCE and BDFOY IDs. I'd be interested in seeing who else uses them.

You scared me!

mir on 2003-03-06T17:10:34

I thought you were going to comment on the Meta the biggest pile of.... something to ever made it to CPAN.

You scared *me*!

pne on 2003-03-06T17:51:32

WTF? That... that's just sick and wrong!

Real Top 40?

tex on 2003-03-06T17:52:08

What are the top 40 if you don't include modules that ship in the main distribution?


Re:Real Top 40?

acme on 2003-03-07T08:16:57

Well, it's slightly unfair as 5.8.0 as assimilated lots of modules and CPAN modules are supposed to be backwards compatible. Don't worry, there will be much more dicing and slicing of stats, but first I need to build the stats framework properly...