Core Perl Modules You Might Not Know About

acme on 2003-01-28T11:38:15

On thursday we had a very successful technical meeting and of course I gave a talk. Slides for Core Perl Modules You Might Not Know About are now up. Note that I autogenerated these using XML for Keynote, grabbing the title and synopsis from the module itself. Thus, bug reports to p5p please Nicholas ;-)

The talk went pretty well. Most people didn't use the modules I picked. I'm not sure if this is because they work at a different problem-space than these modules or that they simply didn't know about them. I guess we'll see.

Extra bonus points for figuring out why Keynote has decided to use ligatures in a monospaced font...


darobin on 2003-01-28T15:21:48

Extra bonus points for figuring out why Keynote has decided to use ligatures in a monospaced font...

Ligatures are contained in the font information. I would guess Keynote just looks there and uses it directly, without pausing to wonder about the fact that it was supposed to be monospace. Or perhaps it has its own font definitions (it's so close to SVG, you never know) that specifies those for some reason. Now why that ligature info would be in the original font... I guess it doesn't get me the bonus points, but I pushed the problem farther away ;)