VCS handover

acme on 2003-01-28T10:38:06

A long long time ago, when I was working as a contractor in Amsterdam, a couple of us had an idea for a completely abstracted interface to all version control systems. What came out of that was the VCS modules, which provided the same interface to RCS, CVS or HMS. However, I didn't use the code, and it kind of languished in my directory without many updates. Oh, and it still can't commit changes.

Recently, I handed over the module to the wonderful Greg McCarroll, who has since released a couple of ne w versions. Thanks for taking it over!

In other VCS-related news, I've been using subversion on my sweet 1U server recently and I'm very impressed. It was a complete pain to set up, but it's very fast and responsive to use.

Using CVS at work is starting to be painful...

Other modules

rafael on 2003-01-28T11:25:18

You should look at cvn and at VCP.