Flats / jobs

acme on 2001-10-18T10:37:45

This week I've mostly been flat searching. I also had a job interview. Yes, really.

I've been looking for a cool one-bedroom flat in Notting Hill / High Street Kensington in London. I've seen small, dark basement flats. I've seen tiny flats based around a staircase. I've seen studios with high walls. I've seen flats with a garden. I've seen flats on main roads (bus routes). I've seen flats in mews. I have seen a lot of flats. Up to now I've always thought of a couple thousand pounds as a lot of money - I hadn't really thought about property being so expensive. $$$$$$$$$$!. Wouldn't I prefer five Porsches instead?

And I had a job interview. I find jobs are useful. They somehow generate money, and money is useful for purchasing things. The guy interviewing me kept on introducing me as "Leon, a Perl God", which made me a little worried... It seems like a cool place, though, and their website is orange! On the other hand, they failed to buy me lunch a Nobu... ;-)

I was going to write about the Copious Free Time Brigade, the lack of Perl jobs in London, and the ridiculously high number of unemployed Perl people I know. However, I have since had an interview (the first in months!) and am less worried. Maybe everything will turn out OK.

Yes, I've been doing Perl stuff. This JVM thing is taking longer than expected.

Some of the estate agents were soooo cute!...