Catalyst's manual

Yanick on 2007-04-19T02:41:58

Don't get me wrong, I love perldoc. But for documentation that span several manpages, I often catch myself dreaming of tables of content, indexes, real dead-tree margins on which to annotate stuff. I'm funny that way.

So I went back to the script that I wrote to create the XPathScript manual and tinkered a bit with it. I then used that newly-concocted black magick (which basically convert and agglomerate pods into a docbook, which is then LaTeXified and subsequently pdfed) to turn the Catalyst manual into a cute little pdf. Me likes. I think I'll tidy up the aforementioned script and publish it as Pod::Manual or something of the kin as soon as time (ah!) allows.

(and yeah, I'm in the process of getting my feet wet with Catalyst. Last week I was hopelessly Not Getting It, but sometime during last week-end, an angel came to me and bapped me over the head with its trumpet. Epiphany! I grok it, now! Even better: I think I'm digging it too!)

How about..

jk2addict on 2007-04-19T02:49:28

Pod::Manual::PDF :-)

Way cool. Can't wait to get my hands on that script. I hate reading in perldoc. I usually just push it up to CPAN and read it when the indexer renders it all.

pod2html locally is a pitas sometimes as well.

Re:How about..

grantm on 2007-04-19T07:30:19

Have you tried Apache::PerlDoc or Apache::Pod?

Re:perldoc / index

dami on 2007-04-19T07:51:27

You may want to have a look at Pod::POM::Web : tree navigation, table of contents, href links, and fulltext index if you want.

Re:perldoc / index

jk2addict on 2007-04-19T18:26:27

Yeah, that does the trick. Thanks!

Re:How about..

Yanick on 2007-04-27T00:09:50

In addition of the other modules recommended by grantm and dami, if you want to generate CPAN-like pages for the pods of your own distros, there is Pod::ProjectDocs, which is not half-bad at all.


rjbs on 2007-04-19T12:53:52

That looks totally great! Seriously!

That's one more barrier to doing some Catalyst learning gone...


jk2addict on 2007-04-19T19:32:16

Assuming this get's refined, maybe syntac colouring, or at least ditch some of the pod parsing errors, I would love to see this on CPAN, or one of the related sites...where on could just go and get the latest Pdf version of the pod for a dist.


Yanick on 2007-04-27T00:14:36

*blush* Thank you. :-)

And as I go through the document, I'm noting how the pods could be rearranged so that the flow is more logical, and take note of other pods that should be added to the collection. So expect a second version of the compendium in the near future.