While working on the Perl 6 book I find myself referencing the Synopses quite frequently. I gave up on browser bookmarks a long time ago, so I usually rely on google to bring the synopses to me when I want to see them. Every time I look, Google suggests several other popular search terms to me. Here are the popular search terms that Google says other people are trying to find starting with "Perl 6":
Perl 6 release data
Perl 6 news
Perl 6 tutorial
Perl 6.0
Perl 6 status
Perl 6 download
Perl 6 release
Perl 6 regex
Perl 6 wikipedia
Perl 6 vaporware
Not exactly an encouraging list of common search terms! Part of me even wonders what kinds of results google will send you for "Perl 6 vaporware"? I doubt you'll find anything in there that you weren't expecting to find in the first place though.
Perl 6 is very real, and it's making amazing progress every day. There's also a nice book about it that's coming together nicely for all those people searching for "Perl 6 tutorial".
I've seen the development velocity of the Rakudo project first hand, and I can't possibly believe we're going to have to wait till Christmas for this thing to reach "completion". However, I have joined the Perl 6 language mailing list, and I can tell you that things are still changing and the spec is hardly set in stone right now. I certainly hope Zeno wasn't right about Achilles never catching that tortoise though, because Achilles in this case is moving pretty damn fast.