The Tuesday Release

Whiteknight on 2008-12-10T00:50:19

My first release is about a week away now, and I'm already getting excited about it. Been running through some of the procedure, going through checklists and getting lots of practice. I've never uploaded anything to CPAN before, even though I've had a PAUSE account for a while. What a lousy Perl coder I've been!

#parrotsketch this afternoon was great, lots of progress being made on everything. I'm particularly impressed by the Perl 6 developers, they're close to hitting the 5000 spectest mark and might break the barrier before the release. I don't want to jinx them or anything, but I do wish them luck.

The calling_conventions branch is still failing in perplexing ways. If any hackers out there have some tuits and some solid C-foo, I could definitely use a help with it. I would like to get this added to trunk for the release, but if it's a huge problem I'm not going to force it.

Other then that, the release is on Tuesday so I could use everybody's help testing and testing again. If you've used Parrot in the past, grab a fresh checkout and run some tests on your system. Submitting bug reports is great. Submitting bug fixes is better. We're not doing any kind of a sprint on it, but if the bug queue shrank a little between now and tuesday nobody would get upset about it.

I'm sure I'll post an update or two between now and the release.