Animatrix, business, Women

WebDragon on 2003-06-02T09:42:54

two words


some of the best animation I've seen in years (and I have friends who are MAJOR anime fanatics and go to conventions and suchlike), thoroughly enjoyable, great soundtracks, amazing attention to detail and very engrossing stories.

If you are even *marginally* interested in the Matrix storyline, GET THIS.

This is one of those rare instances where you don't mind seeing it over and over again in a row as more friends show up in response to your call to come over to see it.

-=- Further good news in that the website overhaul is a GO. wheeeeeee! something to DO! Code to write! more CGI/Perl/DBI/MySQL/RDBMS experience!

Finally got to see the complete code for the existing site, as well as the structural organization. *puke* Can't wait to shred it.


AAaagh, why is it so hard to choose between two friends as to who would be best to get into a relationship with? *sigh* :-) Been around the block long enough to know that leaving things to chance isn't the best solution. Waiting is bad. Making the wrong choice is in the long term bad, and might hurt the other person.

I know what I *should* do. The question is, do I have the guts to do it and the necessary life experience not to flub it.

No advice please; this is mine to make or break. Luck wishes/prayers/good thoughts/etc are accepted, however.

*deep breath* yeeeeesh.

Good timing would be nice as well.

I'm so afraid of saying not the wrong thing, exactly, but something that may affect our friendship, which to me should always come first and foremost -- whether we're together or not (which obviously has yet to be determined.) That friendship is as important to me as the potential deepening of it.

God damn it's nice to be alive. :)

So *that's* why...

merlyn on 2003-06-02T16:36:13

AAaagh, why is it so hard to choose between two friends as to who would be best to get into a relationship with?
Hey, stop bogarting the women. You got to choose between two... some of us get to choose between zero. One each, please.


WebDragon on 2003-06-02T18:29:26

Well you can take comfort in the fact that if I blow it, I'll still have zero. I don't even want to get into how rare it is to have _one_.