Buffalo U. ousts DOJ in landslide vote

WebDragon on 2003-04-04T17:54:32

This link was posted to our local LUG here at the U of Delaware. After reading it and showing it to a few friends, one person pointed out that the entire article was only one sentence.

It occurs to me that it is a far more appropriate sentence than the one the DOJ gave Microsoft earlier this century... :-)

My only question is why it has taken the public this long to come to its senses? I've been avoiding DOS/Win for over 15 years, ever since I upgraded my TRS-80 Model III right past the IBM clones and straight into a Macintosh 512K. (Yes I even thought DOS sucked when compared with TRS-DOS/LDOS/NEWDOS for the TRS-80. :-) It's only been the last two years in which I started playing with Red Hat Linux 7.2 and up in addition to my Macintosh addiction to broaden my experience a little, and to complement the fact that OS X is now Unix-based.

I don't support a pogrom wherein support personnel ensure their continued existence rather than ensuring that the company they work for can just get work done without constant disruption when their OS implodes on a weekly basis. :-P