The First Rule of Employment

WebDragon on 2003-04-04T06:24:28

The First Rule of Employment -- be thankful you have a damn job, and work your ass off. It's getting to the point where our economy and general well-being depend on how well you do your job.

The Second Rule of Employment -- never EVER talk shit about cow-orkers and bosses/owners/managers while within earshot of customers/clients. You NEVER know when the client in question is personal friends with said cow-orkers, bosses, managers, etc.

I was at the local 'quickie-mart' this evening, and happen to know both the cow-orker and the owner that this newbie job holder was complaining about to another cow-orker RIGHT in front of me while I was at the register buying some 'coding supplies' :-) ... My question to myself right now is several-fold:

1> WHY did I choose to walk away instead of staring at him until he noticed and then buttonholing him on this? Damn whiner.

[well, I can answer this for myself. I didn't really start thinking deeply about this until later, as I was walking back to the apartment. I almost turned around and went back just to do this, but then considered the following:]

2> Should I talk to him about this privately later? (unless he's REALLY stupid, I'll probably see this person again at least once or twice)


3> Should I talk to the owner (whom I've known for quite some time and talk with often) about his new employee's carelessness in discussing personal issues with cow-orkers[1] in front of customers?

Gads. Being sentient can be such a pain sometimes.

[1] yes this was intentional. google alt.sysadmin.recovery for details. [2] :-) [3] [3] if you can't figure out where this smiley belongs, you need to examine your funny bone; it may be in need of repair. I deliberately left the [2] out of the above text. I shouldn't HAVE to comment everything I consider funny with a smiley.

Work harder!

TorgoX on 2003-04-04T22:03:46

Don't forget to give your all to a company that doesn't care if you live or die, as it demonstrates with the fact it pays you as little as it possibly can!

Re:Work harder!

WebDragon on 2003-04-05T18:51:44

Ironic, isn't it? Respect for the work that employees do for a company, as well as their loyalty to said employee is at an all time low.

If you show up late for work, they don't wonder if there's any reason why that might have to do with *themselves* and their overall treatment of said person, nor do they make any attempts to see what they can do to actually *help* this valuable person... you get admonished and moved down the social ladder and eventually let go if the problem persists. At no time do you receive any of the respect and or team/family effort that was touted when you were hired. Quite the opposite.

They seem to forget that they hired YOU for a reason.

All of which only exacerbates the situation.