Printing (to a printer) in Win32

Vranicoff on 2006-11-26T18:37:22

Journal entry 20061126

I am lost. Struggling to maintain hope, but it is difficult. I have spent days wandering the sites of etherspace only to find promises of the legendary Win32::Printer::Direct module are merely mirages cast by the likes of the Cheshire cat.

My compilation capabilities are defunct (non existent) in my win32 environment leaving me no choice other than to wander helplessly at the mercy of others who may have compiled the modules I need. Home base (Activestate) is astonishingly enough not providing the basic sustenance of Win32::Printer. I am left to scribble to paper manually... by hand. I don't know how much longer I can hold out.

I have seen hope on the horizon in a place known as I can only hope there is some well of knowledge at this mystical place that can point me to a compiled PPM of Win32::Printer::Direct and that it is not yet another trick of the maliciously grinning feline.
Anyone out there know where I can find a precompiled PPM of Win32::Printer::Direct? It isn't available on Activestate and I need it. On the other hand, any suggestions at all regarding accessing the printer from perl would be wonderful!

Thanks in advance, Steve

P.S. Sorry about the lead in story, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to make a "Journal" entry.

Try Kobes (

bart on 2006-11-26T19:46:03

They seme to have it: Win32::Printer::Direct

I remember from my VB3 days, that you're supposed to use the API to draw on the virtual drawing surface of the printer. It's quite similar to how you would draw pages in PostScript

Perl printing in windows

Vranicoff on 2006-11-29T15:07:49

Thanks for the pointer. I've moved the code over to OS X which made the printing portion much easier. I'm going to need to do this in a Windows environment though I'm sure, so I'll definitely be looking into your advice. I'll be bringing down the Win32::Printer::Direct module from the link you gave right after I send you this reply.

Thanks again, Steve