
VSarkiss on 2002-03-06T15:33:28

It seems Slashdot-style moderation doesn't fit very well here.

Before I turned off "willing to moderate" on Slashdot, I had a routine when I got moderator points: set threshold to -1, nail a couple of "first post!" or pornographic stories, then look around for a few interesting posts to mod up. Took less than 15 minutes. Here the volume is so low it takes me two or three days to work through five mod points. I don't think I've ever dinged any writeups -- changing my threshold to -1 doesn't seem to make any difference (that's a Good Thing!)

For a "professional" or "serious" site like this, seems like the moderation style in Perl Monks would work better. But I'm probably biased because I spend more time there.

On the other hand, this style of moderation can become very useful if someone ever posts an article like Robin Miller's rant/writeup yesterday on Newsforge. 300+ comments -- I've never seen that many replies on Newsforge. Mostly by "Anonymous", and things quickly degenerated to name-calling. Yech. Hope that never happens here.