Things have changed and stayed more the same

VSarkiss on 2006-05-23T13:58:25

After about six months at $client[1], we got a panicked phone call from $client[0] last week, saying I had to be there the next day. After we talked them down, I came out here yesterday.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Same old (non-technical) problem. Here's the gist of the introductory conversation.

"We need a new data mart."
"Um, what about the new data warehouse architecture I was helping to roll out last year?"
"It's not ready yet."
"We were loading two or three subject areas into it when I left. Can't we extend it?"
"No. The application programmers don't know how to access it."
"Well, the main problem the new architecture faced was all these disparate silo databases. We're compounding the problem, aren't we?"
"There's no time to do it right."
