Numbing the mind

VSarkiss on 2005-11-17T15:48:05

I haven't written here in a while, but I've been busy with @life = qw(kids family work health); Lazy lists would be really handy here...

At the moment, $work is a huge pain. The customer's reporting environment is a mess, mainly due to a group of consultants they got here a couple of years ago from $huge_report_vendor. We've been trying to clean it up but have been getting frustrated at every turn by the client's internal politics. Now we've been sidelined in favor of -- you guessed it -- consultants from the original vendor that created the mess. I'm relegated to administrative tasks of filling in metadata. Spare brain cells, anyone?

Another pain I'm currently fighting is that the Franchise Tax Board has lost one of my tax payments from last year. Yesterday they sent me a letter threatening collection, even after I've sent them copies of the cancelled checks. Argh!

What's going right is that our new puppy has been lots of fun. We've been taking him to an off-leash dog park in our city, and he's been playing really nicely. It's a lot of fun to watch. Pictures soon.

But the best thing I've got going now is starting karate again. Fitting two nights a week in my schedule was hard, but it's been worth it. I've been going for a couple of months now, and I can finish warmups without getting out of breath -- sweaty and breathing hard, but not feeling like I'm going to keel over. And of course, punching, kicking, and grappling are a terrific way to let off steam (in addition to ranting in a journal :-)