getting slower?

VSarkiss on 2005-02-22T01:51:13

I started using a short while ago. The Firefox plugins make it really nice to use. I only have a dozen links or so at this point, but I enjoy finding other's postings there.

In the last few days (since Thursday or Friday), it seems like it's slowed down a lot. I get timeouts when trying to post a link. I wonder if it's just my connection or a general thing?

It happens once in a while...

bart on 2005-02-22T08:01:26

Don't read a long term trend in it already, it's not the first time the server has a bit of trouble. Occasionally, you can't even connect to the server... and 5 minutes later, it's just fine. *shrug* I don't think it's anything to worry about, in the long run. Not yet, at least.

Yeah, nothing to worry about.

Aristotle on 2005-02-24T00:46:58

Responsive just ebbs and flows.