Yesterday yum
couldn't finish updating my Fedora Core 2 box at home, because my root partition was close to full. Last few times it had updated my kernel, I hadn't cleaned up afterwards. I've been running on my latest kernel for a while, so ditching the old ones seemed like no big deal.
You'd think after all these years of playing the game, I would've remembered a fundamental rule:
Never type anything like rm -f vmlinuz-2.6.6*
The combination of root, rm -f
and wildcards is a bad, bad thing. When grub
said "File not found", it really sank in what I'd done.
Thank goodness for my rescue CD. When the box came up on it, I re-ran yum
to re-install the latest kernel -- I had plenty of room in the root partition now....
Some lessons just need to be re-learned occasionally. As penance, I will say one hundred "Hail Larry"s and spend the entire day on Windows 2000.
As penance, I will say one hundred "Hail Larry"s and spend the entire day on Windows 2000.
We'd prefer it if you merely pretended you were using the Windows machine, and donated the time and frustration you saved by still using Linux to (say) the phalanx project.