Rough week, A12!, good weekend?

VSarkiss on 2004-04-17T14:07:34

I just came thru one of the suckiest work weeks ever. Two (count 'em, two) fire drills -- I think this is the first time I've actually had one fire drill pre-empt another -- personnel issues, late nights, the whole nine yards. Not a lot of sleep, lots of stress, etc. So I decided this weekend would be low-impact with some minimal brain stimulation.

So what do I find? Apocalypse 12! Lessee, scroll to the bottom.... OMG, 20 pages! So I have something to keep me entertained all weekend (as well as most of the next week, if not longer). But, it'll probably keep me energized to do all the other chores I need to accomplish as well.

Thank you Larry!

Are you wondering if that last paragraph is being sarcastic? I am too....

A12 versus sunlight

kag on 2004-04-17T16:43:19

And I was going to waste the day by going outside and exercising.

Cool feature that I hadn't noticed in p6l:
$object.?meth() # call meth if it exists
$object.*meth() # call any/all possible meth
$object.+meth() # call all possible meth .? is going to get used a lot. I've had a couple of class hierarchies where .* would have saved me effort.