
TorgoX on 2002-09-21T22:51:10

Dear Log,

Seen on the little paper wrapper that my chopsticks came in:

Welcome to Chinese Restaurant.

Please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks the traditional and typical of Chinese glonous history and cultual.



Learn how to use your chopsticks

* Tuk under tnurnb and hcld firmly

* Add second chcostick
hold it as you hold a pencil

* Hold tirst chopstick in originai position
move the second one up and down
Now you can pick up anything:

I love those

petdance on 2002-09-22T05:11:36

I've always loved that set of instructions. The capper is the ending: "Now you can pick up anything." Those are some damn powerful chopsticks.


jhi on 2002-09-26T16:53:07

The curious thing is that many of the errors seem like the result of bad OCR (bad fax/photocopy?), not actual typos or phonetic spelling (glonous instead of glorious, for example).